
virtual globes中文是什么意思

  • 虚拟地球



  • 例句与用法
  • Study on simulation architecture and related problems of virtual globe war temporal - space
  • A practice 3 ) put forward a new methods about virtual reality ? ? virtual globe ( vg ) a . the idea and characteristic of vg b . the composition of vg c
    1 )视球的概念及其特点; 2 )视球的结构与组成; 3 )视球图像的拼接与融合; 4 )图像的象素运算; 5 )多视球空间模型。
  • ( 2 ) on the foundation of the virtuality and reality combination , and combine the panorama looking around , concentric circles picture technology , it has yield the conception of virtual globe
    ( 3 )以视球图像的三维空间几何变换方法为基础,提出了视球采样点附近小范围内漫游的计算公式以及多视球空间摆渡的技术方案。
  • Based on the point of image - based rendering , and the technology of virtuality and reality combining , it yield the conception of virtual globe and its related thought , and takes the dispersed pixel element mutation as the nucleus , the principle of utilization geometry and graphics , 3d walk around is realized and true sense controls waits has carried on a series of research , has put forward the corresponding mathematical model , and has been in progress the improvement , and has got the better result to the tradition method
  • 推荐英语阅读
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